Tiếng anh căn bản từ A-Z cho người mới học

Tổng hợp tất cả những phần căn bản nhất của tiếng anh , bắt đầu từ lớp 2-12 dành cho học sinh và cả những bạn mới bắt đầu học. Nhấn Ctrl + D , chọn OK để đánh dấu trang này trên trình duyệt web của bạn để được liên tục cập nhật và ôn tập nhé.

1. What is this? This is an apple. Is this your lime?
    What is that? That is a watermelon. Is that her rubber?
    What are these? These are pencils. Are these his rulers?
    What are those? Those are books. Are those their shoolbags?

2. What is your name? My name is A.
    What is his name? His name is B.
    What is her name? Her name is C.
    What is your mother's name? Her name is D.
3. I have got two compasses. / She has got three pencil sharpeners.
   What have you got? / What has she got?
   How many compasses have you got?/ How many pencil sharpeners has she got?
   Have you got two compasses? Yes, I have/ No, I haven't. 
   Has she got three pencil sharpeners ? Yes, she has/ No, she hasn't.
   I haven't got two compasses./ She hasn't got three pencil sharpeners.
   Who have got two compasses? / Who has got three pencil sharpeners?
   ( Thay compass bang umbrella, robe, ring, chain, necklace...)

4.  I can fly. / She can fly.
     Who can fly?
     What can you do?/ What can she do?
    I can't fly./ She can't fly.
    Can you fly? Yes, I can/ No, I can't./ Can she fly? Yes, she can. No She can't.
    ( Fly có thể thay bằng Walk, Run, swim, lay eggs, gallop, crawl, fly a kite, hide, count, write, use a printer, draw, make a sandcastle...)

5. I like grass. / She likes banana.
    What do you like? / What does she like?
    Who likes grass?
    I don't like grass./ She doesn't like pineapple.
    Do you like orange? Does she like durian?
   ( Có thể dùng meat, fish, pork, beef, sweet things, sour things, ice-cream, candy... để thay cho grass, banana)

6. I live in the pond. / She lives in Ha Noi
    Where do you live? /  Where does she live?
    Who lives in the pond? / Who lives in Ha noi?
    I don't live in the pond. / She doesn't live in Ha noi.
    Do you live in the pond? / Yes, I do. No, I don't.
    Does she live in Ha Noi? Yes, she does. No, She doesn't.
    I live at 12 Tran Hung Dao street./ I live in Ho Chi Minh city./ I live on Quang Trung Street.

7. I am swimming in the pond/ She is swimming in the pool.
    I can swim fast/ She can swim slowly.
    What are you doing?/ What is she doing?
    I am not swimming in the lake. / She isn't swimming in the pool.
    Are you swimming in the pond? Yes, i am. No, i am not.
    Is she swimming in the pool? Yes, she is. No, she isn't.
    ( swimming thay bang making lemonade, grape juice, writing a letter, using my computer, wearing a crown, picking starfruit)

8. Where are the eggs? They are in the coop.
    Where are you? I am in the living room.
    Where is she? She is in the kitchen?
    Where is your father? He is in the bathroom.

9. I like playing football. He likes playing tennis.
    Do you like playing football? Yes, I do. No, I don't.
    Does he like playing tennis? Yes he does, No, he doesn't.
    I don't like playing badminton. She doesn't like playing baseball.
    They like playing hockey.

10. I like to eat bread. She likes to eat sausages. He likes to drink orange juice.
      Do you like to eat bread? Yes , I do. No, I don't.
      Does she like to eat sausages? Yes, she does. No, she doesn't.
      Who likes to eat rice? Who likes to drink coffee?
11. There is tomato juice in this jug. There is milk in the fridge.
      There isn't mango juice in that jug.
      What is there in this jug?
      Is there any milk in the fridge? yes, there is. No. there isn't.
      There are three pencils in this pencil case.
      How many pencils are there in this pencil case?
      Are there a lot of toys in your bedroom? Yes, there are. No, there aren't.

12. I am tired of flying. She is tired of reading. He is tired of running.
      I need to rest. She needs to rest. He enjoys resting in this room.

13. How does she look? She looks beautiful.
      What is she like? She is kind. He is generous.
      What does he look like? He looks tall and thin.

14. Where are they playing? They are playing on the beach. She is playing on the farm. I am playing in the playground. It is playing at the park